Friday, December 3, 2010

Black Friday

On Friday December 26 was the second time that I decided to go shopping on a Black Friday. I took this decision since my two closest friends beg me since one month ago to go with them. Being honest , I wasn't really excited about this but there was no option since I will be staying in my friend's house in Miami. Well I will never forget this experience.

The first thing that I didn't like was that I couldn't find a parking space; it took me  like an half an hour to park in this huge mall. After this I was already getting a little irritating . When we enter the mall there were so many people in all the stores looking for the best deals. While observing these people and also looking for clothes a though came into my head "What if all these people will give five dollars each for children in under develop countries?. This idea made me think how much money could be collected for good purposes and how many children could have access to better food and cleaner water. But then I remembered when I was collecting gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child most of the people didn't care and they said that they needed the money for other more important things .  So I just kept dreaming in a world where people would be less selfish and they will be able to give up something little for someone that needs a lot.

I believe that most of us including me live in a little world where we only see and have our own needs and when something is requested we don't want to help and try to find a excuse to make us feel better.

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