Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Reading the book by Zizek " Living in the End Times" can be a littlet bit confusing for some of us. In his book we can find  many points of views and also some philosophy from other philosophers.
Something that caught my attention was the subject about love. I believe love is the most important thing for humans; we need love to live and to be happy. Zizek mentions in his book that all kind of love brings with it violence and hate. He mentions that leaders in the past that love their countries use violence to made the country better and also it was the way how people admire them and love them. I don't agree completly with his opinion because from my experience a leader that use violence against his people to implement a kind a goverment is not becuase he/she loves them. The main factor that motivates this kind of leaders is money. Leaders want money and they know if they can control people  also they will control their money.

Love doesn't use violence and it is not selfish.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Orchid Flowers

Orchid flowers are really important in some countries. I am from Ecuador and this flower is really known and important in Ecuador ecosystem. Orchid flowers are found all around Ecuador and they have different colors what make them beautiful.

Also in Ecuador this flower are source of food for hummingbirds that are part of our ecosystem. Orchid flowers are no only beautiful but also really important for animals.

Orchids flowers are being protected by the government because some kinds are almost in extinction.

"Intolerable Beauty"

In today's world everybody wants to get the newest cellphone, computers, clothes, etc. We are all involve in this irresponsible consumption because culture influences us. I believe sometimes we don't even realize the things that we throw away , we just care about the new things we are getting.

Society has change and in this period of time media and friends are always showing us new unnecessary things to buy. We don't care about how our consumption is affecting nature because I believe that we are selfish beings. But I think it is important to realize that our actions today will affect us or will affect our kids tomorrow.

From my point of view it is difficult to imagine the dimension of our consumption. For example after we dispose a cellphone we forget where it goes or what happens to it. An art that helped me to create awareness was "Intolerable Beauty "by Christ Jordan. I found his photographies really interesting and informative. These portraits show a reality of todays world and create awareness for consumers like you and me.

It is important to understand what is happening around us and be responsible consumers because our actions are affecting our planet and this is our home.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pond Apple

Annona Glabra (Pond Apple)

In the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary there was a lot of vegetation to observe. I love nature and this was a great place to enjoy it. In this swamp there are a lot of kind of plants and animals and it is fun and interesting to observe. But the one that caught my attention was the pond apple tree. This was so different and interesting.
 The tree is in the middle of the swap and have all these fruits hanging from its branches , it is so different and awkward at the same time. Pond apple can be eaten by humans but most of people don't like it because its flavor it is not enjoyable. But this fruit is food for many animals that live in the swamp. The color of the pond apple is green and the texture looks really rough. Even though this fruit is not eaten by humans , I believe pond apple has an important value for the environment and animals in the swamp.

Another interesting fact about this different fruit is that is also call Alligator apple because some american alligators eat this fruit. This fascinating tree is tolerant to salt water and cannot grow in dry soil. These facts make this tree really unusual.

I am posting the picture that I took of this fruit in Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, I hope you like it.