Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pond Apple

Annona Glabra (Pond Apple)

In the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary there was a lot of vegetation to observe. I love nature and this was a great place to enjoy it. In this swamp there are a lot of kind of plants and animals and it is fun and interesting to observe. But the one that caught my attention was the pond apple tree. This was so different and interesting.
 The tree is in the middle of the swap and have all these fruits hanging from its branches , it is so different and awkward at the same time. Pond apple can be eaten by humans but most of people don't like it because its flavor it is not enjoyable. But this fruit is food for many animals that live in the swamp. The color of the pond apple is green and the texture looks really rough. Even though this fruit is not eaten by humans , I believe pond apple has an important value for the environment and animals in the swamp.

Another interesting fact about this different fruit is that is also call Alligator apple because some american alligators eat this fruit. This fascinating tree is tolerant to salt water and cannot grow in dry soil. These facts make this tree really unusual.

I am posting the picture that I took of this fruit in Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, I hope you like it.

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