Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Reading the book by Zizek " Living in the End Times" can be a littlet bit confusing for some of us. In his book we can find  many points of views and also some philosophy from other philosophers.
Something that caught my attention was the subject about love. I believe love is the most important thing for humans; we need love to live and to be happy. Zizek mentions in his book that all kind of love brings with it violence and hate. He mentions that leaders in the past that love their countries use violence to made the country better and also it was the way how people admire them and love them. I don't agree completly with his opinion because from my experience a leader that use violence against his people to implement a kind a goverment is not becuase he/she loves them. The main factor that motivates this kind of leaders is money. Leaders want money and they know if they can control people  also they will control their money.

Love doesn't use violence and it is not selfish.

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