Sunday, October 31, 2010


One of my least favorite date is Halloween because of the background of this date and also because of waste of resources that this date represents.

In Halloween people buy a lot of things that they don't need and things that are going to be used just for one day. You see people spending a lot of money in masks, candy and adornments . Most of these things are thrown away the next day causing more waste to our planet. Also I don't like this date because of the meaning it really have and  that most of people are not aware of.

It is important to know what you actually are celebrating and also don't buy things that are not a need in our lives. United States is known for being a consumerist country but I believe it is not the only one.

House in the Mountains

Plastic Bottles

Most of the people in United States like to purchase water plastic bottles for daily consume. I don't agree with this because it is a big waste. If  inside your house you drink  bottled water at least three times a day this means that you will have three empty plastic bottles to throw in the garbage. This is a lot of waste and if you multiply by the people in the house and also by 365 days in the year your home produces 3285 plastic bottles.
I believe we need to be more aware in what we consume and try to consume the least we can because our environment is facing serious issues.

I think if everyone cares more about the environment , we can make our planet a better place. Little things such as the plastic bottles do cause problems in the environment.

Friday, October 29, 2010

In the middle of the world

Quito is a beautiful city located in South America and its the capital of Ecuador. Quito is a great city to visit because of all the attractions that it has. Quito is surrounded by mountains and this make its landscape unique. Also it has a historic site with beautiful churches and different buildings. People from Quito are really friendly and that makes it a place that you always want to go back.

Quito is surrounded by the Andes mountains and the you can observe also two volcanoes Guagua Pichincha and Rucu Pichiancha. It is such a nice place to relax and just enjoy the beautiful landscape.

The historic site is interesting and romantic. At night you can see all the big churches light up and you can just sit and enjoy a coffee in one of the several coffee places that Quito's downtown has.

The most interesting thing is Quito's climate. Quito has a cool climate all year long. It is like spring every single day the temperature is about 65F at noon and 48 at night. You don't have to worry about a really cold winter or a hot summer.  

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Serving Others

There is a need in the world and I believe all of us should help to make this world a better place to live.
As humans we need  to help others because we are depent of each other. Nowadays people just think about themselves and most of us don't care about our neighbors
I think every single person in this world can contribute to it . But what holds us back ? I think it is the belief that others will do the job for us. We don't want to know the reality outsite our doors because it is not convenient for us. Helping others in need might be the investment of money and time and we don't need that in our perfect world.

Happiness is link with physical goods but the question is Are we really happy ? Well I believe if we don't have love for God , family and friends it is impossible to be happy. If we invest all our the time, money and resources for our own good , we should think if is it making us happy. And if it is not well it is time to change and  begin to help and serve others.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Beautiful Sunset

Operation Christmas Child

I am a Chi Alpha member on campus and our club got involved in this great program that is " Operation Christmas Child". This ministry delivers gifts to children in third world countries. 
We are encouraging FGCU students to donate this gifts. It is not expensive to fill one shoe box with toys , pencils or hygiene products. I believe Christmas is about others not just about ourselves and it would be nice if we could give a smile to a kid in this special holiday.

Living in United States is a privilege and we should share a little bit with others who are less fortuante than us. It is really sad how some people just think about themselves and they don't care about others. I believe that we need to be more generous begin help others.


While I was reading the book  State of the World I found something interesting and that I identified a lot with. One of the topics was about how children should learn to repair toys instead of buying new ones.

In United States it is not a habit to repair things and most of people prefer to replace them. But I believe it is important to teach kids to repair objects. Example is the best way to teach kids ; showing them that we have to take care of our things and also of our planet.
Repairing toys can be a fun activity for the kids and also this fun activity can show them how to be more responsable .

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Beauty of Nature

Too much TV

State of The World book is really interesting and has a lot of good thoughts. One of the most interesting things that caught my attention was how kids watch too much TV. I agree completely with what the author mentions; the author says that most of kids spent a lot time watching TV and they don't enjoy playing outdoors. 

I believe that kids must play outside in order to develop really important traits. When you play in nature you develop a creativity and critical thinking.  Playing outside gives you freedom makes you see the world from a different point of view. Also kids learn not to be dependent in physical things to be happy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Nowadays everybody wants to get a diamond for her engagement ring. Every single woman dreams about this symbol of love. But is it because what it means or it is what society has teach us to believe.

In this consumerism society everybody wants to have what the  media promotes. But do we really need diamonds in our engagement ring?. Well I believe that society has made us believe we do. It is all about what media sells us every day. This influence makes us try to feet in at any cost and we have become really superficials.

It is really sad to know that even a pure demonstration of love has become a business for some. We need to realize what is really important and understand that even though we don't have certain things we can still be happy. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Socialism in the 21st Century

Recently a lot of people have been talking about the idea of socialism and communism as a better than capitalism. I really feel that this topic is important for a society as a whole. Maybe in the past I did not care that much about these kind of topics but now things have changed because it has really affected me to see what it happening in my own country.

Ecuador has never been the best country to live; corruption has been a constant in Ecuador’s government. When president Correa became president of Ecuador everybody believed that he was the salvation for this corrupted country. He promised a better country for everyone and as Robin Hood , he said that he will take the money from the richest to give them to the poor. Well, it has been almost three years since he has been president and nothing has changed.

From my point of view nothing has changed so much in my country. He actually did what he promised , he took some industries from the wealthy people but until now he hasn’t gave anything to the poor. As Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro , he believes in socialism of the 21st century. Is socialism the best way to go?. Well I believe that a clear example of this is Cuba. So it is obvious that Cuba is not doing well , and why president Correa and Chavez want this for their own countries?. Well maybe it is all about personal interested and not love for their people.