Thursday, October 28, 2010

Serving Others

There is a need in the world and I believe all of us should help to make this world a better place to live.
As humans we need  to help others because we are depent of each other. Nowadays people just think about themselves and most of us don't care about our neighbors
I think every single person in this world can contribute to it . But what holds us back ? I think it is the belief that others will do the job for us. We don't want to know the reality outsite our doors because it is not convenient for us. Helping others in need might be the investment of money and time and we don't need that in our perfect world.

Happiness is link with physical goods but the question is Are we really happy ? Well I believe if we don't have love for God , family and friends it is impossible to be happy. If we invest all our the time, money and resources for our own good , we should think if is it making us happy. And if it is not well it is time to change and  begin to help and serve others.

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