Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Socialism in the 21st Century

Recently a lot of people have been talking about the idea of socialism and communism as a better than capitalism. I really feel that this topic is important for a society as a whole. Maybe in the past I did not care that much about these kind of topics but now things have changed because it has really affected me to see what it happening in my own country.

Ecuador has never been the best country to live; corruption has been a constant in Ecuador’s government. When president Correa became president of Ecuador everybody believed that he was the salvation for this corrupted country. He promised a better country for everyone and as Robin Hood , he said that he will take the money from the richest to give them to the poor. Well, it has been almost three years since he has been president and nothing has changed.

From my point of view nothing has changed so much in my country. He actually did what he promised , he took some industries from the wealthy people but until now he hasn’t gave anything to the poor. As Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro , he believes in socialism of the 21st century. Is socialism the best way to go?. Well I believe that a clear example of this is Cuba. So it is obvious that Cuba is not doing well , and why president Correa and Chavez want this for their own countries?. Well maybe it is all about personal interested and not love for their people.

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